Review Scarlett Yordanian Sea Salt Shampoo dan Conditioner [Hair Care]

Selasa, 31 Mei 2022

Hallo semuanya!

Penasaran enggak sih sama produk perawatan rambutnya Scarlett? Awal launching aku langsung aku ngincer banget sama hair care mereka, dan ekspetasi aku tinggi sama produk-produknya Scarlett. Mereka bisa banget bikin produk yang tidak pernah gagal, dan semua cocok di aku. Scarlett Hair Care terdiri dari shampoo dan Conditioner.

Review Scarlett SHampoo

Jangan pada kaget kalau melihat bentuk packagingnya, ini packaging baru Scarlett Yordanian Sea Salt Shampoo dan Conditioner. Sebelumnya bentuk kemasannya jar dan mungkin ganti packaging karena ini produk shampoo rawan banget kemasukan air kalau bentuknya jar.FYI, shampoo yang kemasukan air akan mengurangi manfaat shampoo tersebut. Maka itu terciptalah packaging botol seperti ini, lebih efisien juga waktu menggunakannya.

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Telur Dadar Crispy Ala Dapur Kobe

Kamis, 26 Mei 2022

Hallo semuanya!

Jujur aku ini kurang jago masak dan cuma bisa juga masakan yang simple-simple. Resep-resep yang mudah di recook biasanya aku catet biar bisa aku praktekan kapan saja. Apalagi kadang tengah malam suka laper dan ingin makan. Sebisa mungkin aku juga menggunakan bahan-bahan yang ada dirumah untuk dimasak, salah satu bahan yang selalu ada dirumah adalah telur. Telur ini  gampang banget cara masaknya, anak-anakku semua suka masakah telur, direbus maupun di goreng. Aku sering pakai bahan utama telur untuk masakan sehari-hari karena mudah didapat dan kandungan protein hewani nya juga lumayan tinggi.

Telur Dadar Crispy

Beberapa waktu lalu aku pernah share soal masak pakai tepung bumbu KOBE, aku dari dulu selalu pakai KOBE karena tepung bumbunya enak dan pas dengan selera rasaku. Kobe merupakan perusahaan tepung bumbu yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1979. Awalnya Kobe hanya industri rumahan di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Namun sekarang Kobe sudah terkenal dan menjadi merek tepung bumbu No. 1 di Indonesia. Jangan salah ya, Kobe adalah merek asli Indonesia dan singkatan dari Kata Orang Banyak Enak. :D

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Review Avoskin Park Hyung Sik Pick Exfoliating Kit For Dry Skin

Minggu, 15 Mei 2022

Hallo semuanya!

Kalian sudah tahu belum nih kalau Avoskin menjadikan Park Hyung Sik sebagai Brand Ambassador mereka? Aku sendiri menyambut dengan baik kabar ini secara aku emang suka sama K-Wave jadi suka gemas sama oppa-oppa dan eonni-eonni yang semakin melokal. Hihihi

Review Avoskin Park Hyung Sik

Didalam Avoskin Park Hyung Sik Pick ini ada beberapa bundle yang sesua sama kebutuhan kita. Avoskin Park Hyung Sik Pick terdiri dari Avoskin Your Skin Bae Serum dan Glow Concentrate Treatment. Aku penasaran banget semenjak Avoskin mengeluarkan moisturizer untuk melengkapi produk perawatan wajah mereka, Avoskin Glow Concentrate Treatment.

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5 Must-Shop Cute Baguette Bags Store You Should Never Miss in 2022

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2022

Hi Everyone!

Few trends can last; however, one that has defied the odds is the baguette bag. The accessory has even gone beyond a fashion unit and is regarded as a cultural icon. Baguette bags have been there for now, and their reputation has stayed high. However, suppose you're new to this fashion accessory. In that case, the baguette bag is known for its enclosed structure with a short shoulder strap, and it is intended to be worn under the arm to showcase the seamless, chic style of fashionable women.

Countless stores have these bags, but not all are from reliable manufacturers; thanks to this post, that will sift through some reputable stores. Here are some major five stores you should consider checking for these exemplary accessories.


#1. ROMYTISA Baguette Bags

ROMYTISA is a vendor currently supplying all categories of bags; however, the most notable categories include; tote bags, hob bags, Baguette bags, crossbody bags, etc. ROMYTISA has done what most of its competitors can do by ensuring their bags are fashionable and practical. And I tell you, their baguette bags come in leaps and bounds. From studded print chains to hot chains hobo, it is clear that ROMTISA knows how to match the occasion with exemplary accessories. ROMTISA has set the standards so high that competitors undergo tough times trying to achieve what ROMYTISA has achieved.

The Baguette bags from this brand are second to none; whether metallic materials or zippers, their quality is superior. Further, they have been stitched and lined carefully to stand the test of time. Most of these bags also feature additional shoulder straps for additional comfort. Check out some of these excelling baguette bags from ROMTISA:

Vegan Leather Baguette Bag (Green)     Textured Checker Baguette Bag

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Which Disposable Glove Type Is Most Suitable

Rabu, 11 Mei 2022


Different disposable glove types might have different benefits, which can also be workspace specific. In the following paragraphs we'll outline the disposable glove types that are offered, groing through the benefits that they'll provide your workplace.

Male Nurse wearing blue Nitrile Disposable Gloves

Latex Gloves

Various kinds of disposable Gloves offer different facets which make them appropriate for multiple uses. Latex Gloves are possibly probably the most generally used, versatile disposable glove type available. The strong, durable latex material they have been manufactured with implies that they offer incredible lengthy-lasting protection against a lot of potentially damaging materials, fluids or gases. Latex can also be ideal for use at work as they provide you with a comfortable fit, you will frequently even forget you have them on. This sensitivity of touch means that you could perform the most delicate tasks with relative ease although not missing out on any protection.

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Review ANESSA Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare SPF 50+ PA++++

Selasa, 10 Mei 2022

Hallo semuanya!

Selama hampir 10 tahun ini aku sering ganti-ganti skincare dan belajar untuk mulai memahami apa kebutuhan kulitku diberbagai kondisi dan cuaca. Salah satunya dengan rutin dan rajin menggunakan sunscreen. Sunscreen tidak hanya untuk melindungi kulit kita dari sinar UVA dan UVB saja, melainkan jadi jalan utama untuk membuat kulit kita lebih awet mudah dan mencegah penuaan dini. Penggunaan sunscreen juga tidak terbatas hanya untuk kegiatan outdoor seperti olahraga atau travelling. Kita yang kegiatannya didalam ruangan pun harus tetap rajin menggunakan sunscreen dan rutin reapply.

ANESSA Beauty Sunscreen Review

Penyesalan hidup aku sekarang ini adalah kenapa tidak mengenal sunscreen dari jaman dulu aku sekolah. Aku baru kenal sunscreen waktu masuk usia 20 tahun. Akibatnya banyak banget noda-noda flek hitam akibat paparan sinar matahari yang ada diwajahku. Untuk kawan-kawanku semua please jangan sampai skip sunscreen ya bestie biar terhindar dari dark spot dan sunburn. ^^

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African American Front Lace Wigs Create Natural Look


Black front full lace wigs are the most widely used wigs for Black Women. Why? Those are the most basic-searching. Actually, the most popular celebrities who put on wigs - like Tyra Banks and Beyonce - prefer Black front full lace wigs.

Wait... support... Tyra Banks and Beyonce put on wigs? Hey, nearly everybody in Hollywood has donned hair that isn't her very own sooner or later or any other! It is only they put on Black front full lace wigs, and that's the reason why you can't tell. These wigs just look so natural!

So, so why do these front full lace wigs look so natural? Well, to begin with, allow it to be stated that full lace wigs look much more natural than front full lace wigs - full lace wigs could be styled in several ways as well as worn in ponytails without searching just like a wig. It is because the hairs of full lace wigs (and front full lace wigs) are individually associated with the lace.

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