Review : TIARA Lens Gray and Brown From Klenspop

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Hey everyone!
Hope you all have a  great day! ^^
Klenspop kindly sent me this Tiara Lens, I got two color Gray and Brown. Klenspop is a colored lens shop based in Korea. They sell a variety of very cute and affordable lenses. Shipping only took two weeks which is really fast and everything in the package was securely package!

The packaging is simple as usual, Klenspop made the box so interesting! ^^
In the cute package it came with the lenses, a contact case and tweezers (sorry i forgot to take the picture, but you can see here)

New  Lens Info 
Brand: M.I Contact 
Diameter: 14.0mm 
Graphic Diameter: 13.7mm 
Water Content: 38% 
Base Curve: 8.6mm 
Life Span: 1 year (Max) 
Country of origin: South Korea

Klenspop have too many lens with diameter: 14.0mm and graphic diameter: 13.7mm
These lenses definitely enlarged my eyes. It’s not too big or not too small. Since these lenses are darker, it doesn’t look weird or noticeable and also give me neutral looks. Designed to make a pretty shiny eye look. I think they would blend in well with dark eyes and brown eyes.

So far these lenses have been super comfortable, I managed to wear them for 8 hours with ease. They were very easy to put in and I would usually forget I’m even wearing lenses.

Wearing Tiara Brown Lens

Wearing Tiara Lens Gray
So far, i like gray one than brown. It's looks more neutral on my eyes and i always love wearing gray lenses. :)


These lenses are very natural and subtle, their design is simple but beautiful and I love how well they blended with my eyes. I'd definitely recommend these to anyone!

And, not forget to mention. I like Klenspop's website a lot, it's appealing to look at and simple. I can easily search and find what I'm looking for and sort things by categories. Also, all the information regarding contact, price, shipping, tracking etc are all neatly placed on every page on the bottom which I find super useful!

What do you think of this contact lens? Do you like it?
I'm sorry if I haven't reply all comments, hope you understand. I'll try reply it soon! Thank you. ^^

See you guys on my next post!
Dewie Aprillia ♥

7 komentar

  1. You're so gorgeous with gray one! Biasanya grey buat keliatan sexy tapi di kamu keliatan cute!

    1. Hhaha iya, that's why aku suka banget pakai gray lens than brown haha lbh terasa hidup gitu..
      thank you ya :)

  2. iya dikamu bagusan yang grey wi, ngeganjel ga kl udh lama pakenya?

  3. yang abu2 di kamu bagus bnagt

  4. Look like a doll banget :D


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