Review : ES 5 Pairs Handmade Brown Luxuriant Upper And Lower Eyelashes [ES-A511]

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Hello everyone!!
Today I wanted to review brown false lashes from kkcenterhk. I picked this model because I never tried brown eyelshes, and one box comes with two different eyelashes, upper lashes and bottom lashes. It's suitable for simple gyaru eye make up, as you know, gyaru eye make up always wearing bottom

Products Discription :
Brand New With Original Retail Packing Box
100% New, 100% Authentic, Handmade Lashes
5 Pairs in one pack, 3 pairs upper eyelashes and 2 pairs lower eyelashes
Brown lashes and thin transparent stem

Can Be Re-use If You Take Them Off Carefully
Make Your Eyes Look Bigger And Attractive
handmade eyelashes are very soft
Suitable For Everyone
Can Be Used Party Or Professional Make Up

Lower Eyelash :
Head length : 0.4cm / 4mm
Mid length : 0.4cm / 4mm
End  length : 0.4cm / 4mm

Upper Eyelash :
Head length : 1cm / 10mm
Mid length : 1.4cm / 14mm
End  length : 1.3cm / 13mm
(You can cut it to fit the size of your eyes :p)

Blend very well with my own eyelash? Yes, but little bit than the maximum without wearing brown mascara. Haha

Any request for this looks maybe? :p

 What I Love :
  • Comes with two different false eyelashes
  • Brown color
  • Perfect for gyaru eye make up
  • Super high quality, I'm wearing it more than 3 times, and this lashes still good.
  • Blend very well 
What I Hate :
  • Nope

Overall, I love this false eyelashes! This is very good quality, like I said, I wearing this more than three times and the false eyelashes still good. Love it :D
If you wanna try this false lashes, please visit kkcenterhk. And don't forget to use coupon code "PINASTIKA" to get 10% OFF.

xoxo ♥

16 komentar

  1. suka upper lashesnya, kliatan natural banget wi :D

    1. iya rin aku juga suka banget, ukurannya pas, enggak kepanjangan :D

  2. Cakep aneeetttt, aku lg addict sama bulmat juga nih, itu yg km review bottom lashesnya alami bgt T~T cantikkkk <3

    1. bulmat emg selalu menarik perhatian kita ya..xixi mungkin 40% blog ini isinya review bulmat wkwkw
      iyaa dit aku jg suka bangeett..super natural! >_< sayang cuma 2 psg T_T

  3. the falsies colour, i think the brown colour is still natural & it looks perfect on you dear.. <3

    1. me too dear! brown false lashes looks natural, apalagi bottom lashesnya cyinnn..keyen yaa hihi

  4. aaa bisaan pakenya :D ak blm pernah bisa rapi pake bottom lashes >,<

  5. sebenernya gampang lho ^^ ayoo berlatih xixi

  6. ah... cantiikk banget ^^
    aku belom bisa pakai yang lower lashes, yg upper sih udah rapi lah ya hehehe~
    rekomen lem bulu mata yang bagus donk say? bingung milih2 lemnya, kadang suka copot2 gitu *OOT*

    1. makasihh yah sayy ^^
      sebenernya klu rajin latihan gampang lho, bs di ptong dulu jd 2-3 bagian, dipasang 1 1 xixixi
      merk DUO bagus say, sama dolly wink, kenceng tp pas nyopot ga sakit ^^
      dolly wink pernah ak pake naik motor, bulmatnya msh anteng aja hihi

  7. cantiknya wie! jalan2 yuk ahhh neng sama akuu :*

    1. xixixi makasih git <3
      ayuukkk sini jemput aku yah :*

  8. wah very nice ehhhhh

    folback yah if u dont mind

  9. yg ini natural dew banding yg kmrn, lowernya itu lho lucu bgt :333

    1. iya ren, ini tarual banget.. ga panjang ga pendek..pas gitu :D
      sayang cuma 2 pair doank huhuw


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