Review + FOTD : Face On Face Nourishing Two Way Cake & Blush On

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Hallo everyone...

Hari ini saya mau mereview produk lokal dari Face On Face. Sebelumnya saya akan sedikit memberi info mengenai Face On Face.
Face On Face adalah salah satu brand yang berada di naungan PT. Rohto Laboratories Indonesia dan  merupakan rangkaian produk dekoratif dibawah lisensi The Mentholatum Company,USA.
Mentholatum itu sendiri adalah anak perusahaan ROHTO Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd yang berkomitmen untuk menciptakan produk perawatan dengan kualitas yang tinggi dan terpercaya di dunia. Face On Face ini satu perusahaan sama Lip Ice, Acnes, Skin Aqua, Lip On Lip, Selsun dan Hada Labo. Di Indonesia, ROHTO yang juga telah dikenal sebagai produk tetes mata berkualitas dan terpercaya yang masuk ke pasar Indonesia sejak tahun 1934 dan menjadi merk yang sangat dikenal hingga kini. Saya sangat yakin produk Face On Face pasti berkualitas tinggi seperti produk Rohto lainnya.

So, pasti kalian penasaran dengan produk ini kan... 

Produk-produk Face on Face :
- Nourishing Two Way Cake
- Nourishing Blush On
- Nourishing Loose Powder
- Nourishing Eye Shadow

Oke...kali ini saya akan mereview Face On Face Nourishing Two Way Cake "Vanilla Beige" dan Nourishing Blush On "Natural Glow". Warna shade yang saya dapatkan cocok banget dengan warna skintone saya yang undertone yellow ^^.

Packing :

Yang paling saya suka dari produk Face on Face ini adalah warna packingnya "PINKY"! suka banget sama warna ini, apalagi dengan perpaduan warna pink-putih sangat feminim. 
  • Face on Face Two way Cake (TWC)nya datang dengan ukuran yang gede, 11gr, mantap di pegang dan sangat enak kalau di bawa pergi karena tidak terlalu terlalu kecil Pas banget di genggaman. Sangat dengan cermin di dalamnya dan spons. Ada dua bagian, yang atas bedak dan yang bawah tempat spons nya. Jadi benar-benar praktis misal di bawa bepergian. Tapi hati-hati agar tidak terbentur atau jatuh, karena menurut saya tekstur dari TWC ini sangat rapuh dan wadahnya bisa pecah. Jangan khawatir untuk tutup terbuka sendiri saat di dalam tas, tutupnya sangat kuat, asal jangan sampai jatuh.

  • Face on Face Blush On  ini sangat kecil dan mini banget, enggak ada satu genggaman. Packingnya pinky di bagian wadahnya dan tutupnya bening, so kita bisa melihat warna shade didalanmya. Karena packing seperti ini sangat memudahkan kita untuk melihat warna shade'nya tanpa perlu repot membuka packing saat di counter. Ukuran blush on ini 3,5gr. Meskipun cuma sedikit, menurutku awet juga, karena warnanya pigmented banget.

Shade & Pigmentation :

  • Face on Face Nourishing Two Way Cake

Face on Face Two way Cake ada 5 shade ; Charmy Pink, Silky White, Vanilla Beige, Natural Yellow, Tropical Beige. Shade yang saya dapatin Vanilla Beige, mungkin kalian yang mendengar warna ini pasti mengira warnanya bakal putih banget, ternyata enggak lho.. Warna nya sangat natural dan cocok untuk kulit undertone yellow. Jadi ketika pakai ini tidak terlihat putih kayak topeng. Karena ini Two way cake, kalian bisa pakai tanpa foundation/bb cream. Jadi cukup basahin sponnya aja. Coverage Face On Face Two Way Cake ini lumayan, harus 3x reapply baru samar2 untuk menutupi kekurangan pada wajah.
Untung oil controlnya lumayanlah, pakai 3 jam harus touch up lagi.

Dalam two way cake ini sangat aman karena mengandung bahan-bahan seperti di bawah ini :
1. Improved Hyaluronic Acid for Ultimate Skin Hydration 
Kerjanya lebih kuat dibandingkan Hyaluronic Acid biasa, fungsinya untuk menyeimbangkan kadar air dalam kulit.
Improved Hyaluronic Acid adalah Hyaluronic Acid yang sudah di modifikasi dengan kemampuan melembabkan lebih baik dibanding Hyaluronic Acid biasa. Jadi enggak bikin kulit kita jadi kering. 

2. Double Sunscreen UVA dan UVB 
Melindungi kulit wajah kita agar terhindar dari paparan sinar UVA dan UVB yang dapat merusak jaringan kulit wajah kita dan menimbulkan flek-flek hitam diwajah. Cocok banget buat kalian yang suka kegiatan outdoor.

3. Shine Free Agent dan Oil Control 
Produk ini di lengkapi dengan oil control yang bagus. Namun masih wajar untuk daerah T bagi kulit yang normal-berminyak.
4. Vitamin E 
Bisa melembabkan kulit kita. Yahh..pasti kalian sudah pada tahu tentang manfaat vitamin E untuk kulit kan. Sangat membantu kita untuk mencegah penuaan dini dan enggak kusam.

Harga di pasaran sekitar Rp 28.000,00 - Rp 30.000,00

  • Face On Face Nourishing Blush On :

Face On Face Nourishing Blush on ini terdiri dari dua warna yaitu Blooming Rose dan Natural Glow. Dan, aku dapat blush on yang Natural Glow! Lagi-lagi sangat cocok untuk kulit undertone yellow, yang punya kulit undertone pink juga bisa pakai blush on ini untuk bronzer. Bisa Multi-fungsi kan...:p
Blush on ini bisa di pakai sehari-hari karena tidak bershimmer. Saya suka blush on yang tidak bershimmer, kalau malam bolehlah pakai blush on yang bershimmer.
Tekstrunya sendiri tidak powdery lho, jadi jangan takut bakal jatuh2 di baju :)
Yang bikin saya suka banget sama blush on ini adalah LONG LASTING dan PIGMENTED! Yeahhh..saya pakai ini kurang lebih 6 jam dan warnanya masih nempel tanpa touch up..hebat banget kan, blush on murah tapi ga murahan.. Saya pengen repurchase lagi warna Blooming rose :D

Harga di pasaran sekitar Rp. 22.000,00 - Rp 25.000,00 / $ 2.5 

Overall :
I love this product so much! Produk lokal tidak selalu jelek, dan Face On Face membuktikannya. Saya ingin mencoba produk dari Face on Face lainnya seperti eye shadow dan loose powdernya. Untuk staying power produk-produk yang aku review kali ini sangat puas banget. Dan kalian wajib mencobanya. Mungkin masih jarang nemuin produk Face on Face dikota kamu, jangan khawatir, sekarang sudah hampir semua toko kosmetik di Indonesia. Kalian bisa cek DISINI untuk toko-toko yang menjual produk Face on Face.



Sekedar info
Artikel ini ditulis dalam rangka mengikuti My Pretty Diary 
yang bisa dilihat di Facebook Face On Face Indonesia
dan Twitter @FaceOnFaceID
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Wishtrend BB Cream Giveaway from SparkleApple

Kali ini mau ngasih tau kalau Sparkleapple's blog lagi ngadain giveaway lho..
Hadiahnya BB Cream dari Rojukiss worth  $60.00. Bakal ada 3 winner..^^

Giveaway ini berlangsung dari tanggal 28-01-2013 s.d 07-03-2013 !

Saya berharap banget bisa menang, karena belum pernah denger tentang bb cream ini. Masih baru dan awam banget di telinga saya..hahahaa

Good Luck!
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Second Anniversary Giveaway From Mada Foe!

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Hari ini saya akan post tentang giveaway yang sedang di adain sama Mada Foe. Yupsss...Mada Foe! Kalau kalian anggota Indonesian Beauty Blogger pasti tahu sama cewek satu ini. Dia adalah salah satu admin di grup IBB.
Giveaway ini memperingati second annivesary blognya, Cantik Tanpa Bangkrut. VIP Party! :D
Nah di Box ini ada beberapa hadiah lhoo..

Saya berharap banget bisa menang untuk hadiah pertama, karena rambut saya lagi rusak parah. Rontok total. Berharap Paket L'Oreal Paris Total Repair dari Mada bisa membuat rambutku oke lagi :D
Andai enggak dapat hadiah pertama, hadiah kedua juga oke kok..hahaha

Awal saya tahu tentang blog ini pastilah dari IBB, sebenarnya enggak pernah tahu Mada ini siapa..ternyata admin nya..hahhaa
Saya belum pernah ketemu dengan Mada, saya kira dia orangnya baik di balik ke"sangar"annya itu. Kenapa bisa saya mengira begitu. Kalian coba perhatiin cara dia balas komentar-komentar yang di post-post dia, orangnya ramah dan welcome. Semoga aslinya beneran baik.. *peace*
Post Cantik Tanpa Bangkrut yang pertama kali aku baca adalah Make Up Detox. Baru tahu kalau make up itu harus di detox agar kita bisa tahu mana make up yang sudah kadaluarsa dan enggak layak pakai... Bahaya banget kan kalau kita pakai produk kosmetik yang sudah kadaluarsa. BAHAYA! Rawan kuman dan bakteri..ngeriiii ~~
Sejak itu aku follow blog Cantik Tanpa Bangkrut :)
And then, post yang paling aku suka banget dan sangat KONTROVERSIAL, Sell Out Blogger. Banyak banget perdebatan disana, caci maki bla bla bla.. Tapi Mada bersikap positif dan enggak emosi bales komentar yang ada. Ternyata translate aja bisa bikin masalah yaa..hahaa Tapi semua balik sama masing2 individu saja. Enggak semua aku setuju sama 8 poin post itu. hhahaha
Post ini paling sering saya baca, berlanjut dengan post selanjutnya. Bulan November blog Mada traffic'nya naik drastis banget. Karena selain post Sell Out Blogger, masih ada beberapa post tentang Blogger. Kalian bisa check post I'am Not Good Beauty Blogger, WHAT IS BEAUTY BLOGGING in the Eyes of the industry NOWADAYS, HOW TO IMPROVE? .
Meskipun penuh kontroversi saya suka post-post mada itu. PERTAHANKAN! postinglah sesuka hatimu..hehehe

Setelah saya follow blog Mada, Saya mulai kepo dengan postingan lama. Selain suka mereview produk kecantikan, Mada juga suka fashion ternyata, fashionable abis! Kalau saya lihat stylenya Urban Gothic itu kali enggak ngerti juga sih..#asalnebak :(

Saranku untuk blog Cantik Tanpa Bangkrut kedepannya, tolong ditingkatkan untuk postingannya. Mungkin Mada sedang sibuk jadi kurang update blog. Posting review 'segera' di beri foto yang lebih oke yaa.. Meskipun saya tahu Mada lagi nabung untuk beli kamera. Pocket camera sekarang murah-murah dan berkualitas. Nikon Coolpix bisa di coba lhooo... Meskipun saya masih newbie tapi bisa merasa kok, orang tertarik buka blog karena gambar-gambarnya.
Tampilan layout nya kalau bisa di percantik lagi ya say. Biar makin enak liatnya.

Saya minta maaf banget misal kata-kata saya bikin Mada merasa kurang respect sama saya. hehhee

Untuk Kalian yang mau ikutan giveaway dari Mada Foe bisa langsung ke blognya ya!

xoxo ♥

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Landbis Big Eye Dual-use Eyeliner

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Today I will be reviewing a eyeliner from KKCenterHK, Landbis Big Eye Dual-use Eyeliner. This eyeliner is very efficient because it has a dual function, there are two forms in one pen eyeliner. You can choose either liquid form or pen form, very convenient, do not need to buy two pens :)
When I put on in the morning, the evening after I clear the remains are still visible, until the next morning I didn't have to use eyeliner..haha

Color: Black
Capacity: 3g
Size: 8mm x 8mm x 156mm

Tekstur :

1. Cream Eyeliner Stick.
This creamy textured stick eyeliner, it is very easy to apply, and smudgeproof. Doesn't need to be sharpened, because of its shape can be rotated like a lipstick. But, the color less pigmented, and easy to remove them. I don't recommend to use it at the waterline.

2. Liquid Pen
The tip of the needle like a ballpoint pen, I think it is extremely waterproof and suitable for application on the waterline. I wear when crying, pen eyeliner is not washed out.. Lovee it <3

sorry, I'm still learning to use eyeliner>, <

Overall :

I love this eyeliner because it's very practical, it consists 2 kinds of eyeliner, cream and liquid. The cream one also can be used as an eyeshadow ..
This eyeliner is very waterproof, it's very hard to remove..
I love the liquid pen, because it's very easy to apply. I've never tried liquid pen before..

The price is 14.76, i get mine from kkcenterhk.
Thanks for KKCenterHK sent me this eyeliner for reviewing :)

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Review : Miomi E.T Ray Grey Circle Lens

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Today, I'm going to review about circle lens that I got from a giveaway from Margylove sponsored by Tomatoonshop. I am really happy when I saw the announcement of the winner, because we can choose circle lens that we want to :D
I really want to try Miomi E.T Ray circle lens, has two color grey and brown, because the colors are almost similar, I choose the grey. Although it has a very regular pattern that's not a problem because I am looking for something comfortable to wear.

Brand : Miomi
Origin : Korea
Series / Color : E.T Ray / Grey
Diameter : 14.5mm
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Water Content : 45%
Disposable : 1 year

Packing :
♥ ♥ ♥
Miomi E.T Ray has come with cute bunny lens case. Yess..very cute and unique. And, comes in blister. So, you don't need the extra power and hurt to open it. Inside there is a pinky paper describes miomi manufactured and tips how to use the softlens.

Inner Curve

 Outer Curve

Color :
♥ ♥ ♥
Circle Lens color doesn't look like grey, but like brown. But, after i wear it looks like black. Dunno why could be made like that.

Pattern :
♥ ♥ ♥
Has a very regular pattern, it's too plain for a circle lens pattern. But, it's very natural on my eyes. I prefer to wear circle lens that gives the impression of natural, not fake eyes.

♥ ♥ ♥ 
On the description, diameter circle lens is 14,5mm, but I was shocked when wearing it because it is too large. I measure it and it turns out the fact is, its diameter is 16mm!!! Why should be made like that? I think a ruler they are wrong..hehhee XD
But, this lenses make me like ulzzang..:p

 Left with lenses ; Right without lenses -_-

 Day Light

 with Flash

♥ ♥
I've been wearing this for 8 hours, comfortable at first but after 3-4 hours I felt my vision blurry. Around 4hours I can feel the dryness of the lens. But, when I use this lens a couple of days, I felt very comfortable. Maybe I'm used to with a large diameter lens for everyday.
Comfortable lenses or not it depends on each person's eyes. Depending on the pleasure also want big or small diameter, that feeling your eye..hehehee

Overall :  
♥ ♥♥ 
I chose these circle lens I was curious with Miomi Lense. These lenses make my eyes look like the ulzzang. It looks quite natural, it's totally alright to wear it anytime and matches almost any outfit you are waering...soooo natural lenses ^_^



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Laneige Water Supreme Gift Set 3

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Hallo... :)

A couple a days ago Etude Skincare N Cosmetic sent me a product for review. And if you still remember, I used this product in my post Tutorial & FOTD Make Up Party . yupss.. It's Laneige Water Supreme Gift 3. I'm very glad to have the chance to wear this product, because I love Laneige. hmmm.. Exactly in love with Song Hye Gyo..hahahaa

The packing is very elegant with transparent plastic and thick.
Laneige Water Supreme travel kit consists of :
  • Laneige Water Supreme Primer Base SPF 15 PA+ (No. 60) - 5gr
  • Laneige Water Supreme Foundation SPF 15 PA+ (No. 21) - 5gr
  • Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lipgloss LR 09 - 1.5gr

Texture :
  • Laneige Water Supreme Primer Base SPF 15 PA+ (No. 60) - 5gr
This primer base is very liquid and water, apply once looked like a foundation but it is very lightweight and easy to sink in. The colour is green and has a pleasant fragrance ^^. Feel the cold after the apply on my face.
  • Laneige Water Supreme Foundation SPF 15 PA+ (No. 21)
The foundation is very liquid, so be careful to use it because could spill if too hard it should be paid. Coverage medium-full, so still need concelaer for better results. Looks like water and there is a cold sensation when using it ^^
  •  Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lipgloss LR 09 
The texture of this lipgloss is equal to another lipgloss. I love this lipgloss because the texture not too thick. I prefer the liquid lipgloss..hehehe
This lipgloss colors red, however, in my lips turned to apply pink sheer. yaaaaahhh..tergantung warna bibir masing2..hohoho :p


I really like to travel this gift, because it is very practically carried everywhere. and didn't bother to bring a full size makeup. Very efisient. But, I do not like it because it quickly fade and need to touch up after 3 hours >,<
It's no problem ^^. Very satisfied with this product :D Thanks Etude Skincare N Cosmetic

You can buy it at Etude Skincare N Cosmetic. There are selling Korean cosmetics ready stock more 600 products. So, no need to wait for the old PO :p

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SU:M 37 Secret Programming Eye Cream

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

So long I didn't post about review a product because I want to make good quality images in my blog posts, then I wait for a new camera ....yeaiii
My Hunny has make it happen ....thanks hunny!! loveeee You

Back to topic... XD

Since I love blogging, I'll look at  computer and sleep sometimes irregular. Dark circles come and make me a bit of confidence decline. I decided to look for eye cream that can remove the dark circles. In addition to eliminate dark eye circle cream seems to also function as an anti aging. Very interested in the "anti aging", many assume that the anti aging is only for adults who are aged 30 years. A fault!!
anti aging is prevention, not wrong if you wear it at an early age like 20 years. For example using sunblock when still of school age. You will regret it when lots of freckles on your face, and you know it's happening because you don't wear sunblock to prevent it.



This time I will review eye creams from SU:M 37 Secret Programming Eye Cream. SU:M 37 is one of the high class cosmetics brand in Korea.
Secret Programming is one line SU:M 37.SUM 37 resulting from the fermentation process, and I am very interested to try it out. From this line are very popular and best-seller is Secret Programming Essence (SPE) that many say this rivals of Facial Treatment Essence (FTE) from SK II.
Secret Programming Eye Cream has three advantages, namely reducing dark circle, reduce fine lines/wrinkles, moisturizes. Loveeeeeeee so much ^_^

Packing :
I chose the sample. color sample SU: M 37 Secret Programming Eye Cream is very elegant with the color red. one sachet samples contain 1ml. Can be used one week 2 x a day, 9-10 x use. For full size the bottle is very cute with a size of 20 ml.

Texture :
The texture of this eye cream like other cream, condensed and concentrated. When applied somewhat sticky, but will be instantly felt cold like water. Psssssttt, this eye cream is very hard to absorb so should always be massage. It also serves for absorption maximum eye cream.

Before-After SU:M 37

abaikan eyebag saya >,<

What I Love :
  • Moisturize the eye area
  • Makes skin lively and tigh
  • Natural fermented ingredients contained
  • Reduce dark circle
  • Didn't make the eyes of poignant
  • The contents of one sample could have used 9-10 x

What I Hate :
  •  Pricey,  78,000 won for 20ml >,<

I love the eye cream, because it moisturizes and reduce dark circle. I love the eye cream is very suitable with my eyes and it doesn't lead to poignant.
I've been using this eye cream for one and a half months, the results in may not quickly. We are diligent to use it.
Sample sachets is very helpful to me, more than anything else I've bought it many
There are 40 sample, right now there are still about 34 sachet, so within one and a half months I just spent 6 sachets only ...very efficient!!!

After you satisfied with Secret Programming Eye Cream, I'll try Secret Programming Essence who likes in compare with Facial Treatment Essence from SK II. hope it!!!
Maybe you guys would want to prevent premature aging and reduce dark circle, this could be the alternative. Wanna try?? :p

Thanks for visiting


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#LooxGiveaway & Makeup Challenge Kontes

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Giveaway tahun 2013 dibuka oleh Looxperiments!!!!

Check this out ^^


#LooxGiveaway & Makeup Challenge Kontes

Looxetes, apa yang spesial dari bulan Januari?

Tentunya semangat tahun baru. Dan ada satu lagi yang spesial, yaitu ulang tahun Looxperiments. Yup, bulan Januari 2013 ini, kami berulang tahun yang kedua. Sudah dua tahun lho, Looxperiments menjadi taman bermain, wadah berbagi dan tempat belajar tentang make up, fashion, dan hal-hal lain seputar itu.

Untuk ulang tahun Looxperiments yang kedua ini, kami ingin berbagi kegembiraan bersama Looxetes. Kami mau bagi-bagi hadiah!!

Gimana nih cara dapetin hadiahnya? Gampang banget, caranya:
  • Copy paste posting pengumuman #LooxGiveaway ini di blog kalian masing-masing, dan sertakan link posting ini.
  • Letakkan banner dan URL ke link pengumuman #LooxGiveaway ini di side bar blog kalian:

  • Pada commenting system blog ini, tinggalkan link posting mengenai #Looxgiveaway yang kalian tulis di blog kalian, dan tinggalkan juga masukan, saran, kritik, atau apapun yang diperlukan untuk perbaikan blog kami. Masukan dari Looxetes sangat kami butuhkan, agar Looxperiments tetap menjadi taman bermain yang menyenangkan bagi kita semua :).

#LooxGiveaway ini akan dibuka dari tanggal 3 Januari 2013 sampai dengan tanggal 27 Januari 2013 jam 12 malam.

Apaan nih hadiahnya?

MUA 24 Shade Immaculate Eyeshadow Palette, MUA 12 ShadeUndressed Palette, dan MUA Nail Quake Varnish masih dalam perjalanan.

Pemenang Pertama akan mendapatkan:  
  • MUA 24 Shade Immaculate Eyeshadow Palette,
  • MUA Nail Quake Varnish, dan 
  • Kalung cantik dari Maniquwawa
Pemenang Kedua akan mendapatkan: 
  • Paket Kosmetik dari Revlon, dan 
  • Kalung cantik dari Maniquwawa
Pemenang Ketiga akan mendapatkan: 
  • Paket Kosmetik dari Zatura Shop

Terus, kalau nggak punya blog gimana dong?

Jangan khawatir. Bagi yang nggak punya blog, kami tetep akan bagi-bagi hadiah. Akan ada Makeup Challenge yang seru banget dan penuh hadiah via Twitter pada tanggal 25 sampai tanggal 27 Januari ini.

Jangan sampai ketinggalan ya!


Giveaway ini enggak bisa di lewatin, kalian harus ikutan karena hadiahnya enggak tanggung-tanggung banyaknya. Langsung cek blog Looxperiments.
Wish me luck!!!!! XD
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Etude House Mascara Remover

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

The first post in 2013...

Happy New Year Beauty Lovers.. The Coming Year!!! May each day of the coming year, be vibrant and new bringing along, many reasons for celebrations. Aminn

Back to the topic,
Today I'll reviewing mascara remover from Etude House. I got it from Mariani Lo. After I wear mascara remover, I really like and want to review for you all. And you must try..hohohoo
This product removes your makeup fast and you wouldn't have a hard time rubbing of your makeup. Even when using a waterproof mascara, this product removes it all.

 Cyclopentasiloxane, water, hydrogenated polydecene, dipropylene glycol, alcohol denat, sodium chloride, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, parfum, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, benzophenone-9, caprylyl/capryl glucoside, betaine, butylene glycol (and) water (and) portulaca oleracea extract, disodium EDTA, rosa centifolia flower water (and) alcohol denat, red 4, blue 1, yellow 5

Packing :

It has a pinkish color in the bottom with a different consistency. You have to make sure that you shake it first before using. I forgot to take pictures when oil was precipitated, and these photos after shaken..hehehe
Very large caps, so pour out a little amount of the product, and be careful so you won't get too much

It's oil based so when I sweep the product to my eyes it removes my mascara and eyeshadow easily. After using this mascara remover I recommend to wash your face with a facial wash, because  the tesktur very greasy. No irritation and no cloudy eyes.  The formula is very nice, cause of course this is specially made for removing eye make, so it does not cause any excruciating stings.

What I love :
  • Has a very pleasant fragrance
  • Easy to use, just use a cotton swab and application to the parts to be cleaned
  • Cheap, fullsize around IDR 100.000 / $10 for 80ml
  • No irritation and no cloudy eyes

What I hate :
  •  nopeeeee >,<

Thanks Ladies for visiting..


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