Tutorial & FOTD : Make Up For Party :)

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Today I'll post FOTD and make up tutorial for attending semi-formal events, such as beauty events, weddings, and parties..... I'm sorry... I'm not a professional make up artist >, <
Before we get started : So sorry for this spam... I am so ugly without makeup, but my skin is not so ugly.....loveeeeeeeeee my skin: p

 bare face >,<

Make up time  ♪( ´▽`)

  • Start Off with Base Primer
For formal and semi formal events I recommend to use a base primer to make up long lasting..(ga cepet luncur, malu donk kalau acara belum mulai make up uda luntur..wkkwkw). This time I used a Laneige Water Supreme Base Primer, for a review coming soon yaaa...

  • Foundation and Powder
After using the primary base, the next step I use foundation. And after the foundation applied, apply powder to give a matte finish.

hiraukan my hunny >,<

  • Eye Make Up
I really like the brown eyeshadow, so I'll be using it for today's make up. Brown is a natural color for make up. For better result, use black eyeliner and falshies. (I forgot to take pictures while I use eyeliner >,<). Do not forget to use eyeshadow silver / white to the eye.

  • Lips :
I use ulzzang lips here .. and it's so pretty..LOL >, <

Done!!! Here's the finished look ^_^

my bang is looonggggg..I'll cut it soon :p

I'm Using :
* Laneige Water Supreme Base Primer 
* Laneige Water Supreme Foundation 
* Marcks Loose Powder #beige 
* Circle lens : Geo Edge Aqua Blue
* Etude House Sweet Eye Cupcake #1 Banana & Chocolate 
* Pixy Black Eyeliner 
* Etude House Bling-bling Eye Stick #1  
* Naomi Falshies #42

* Etude House Cherry Tint Red
* Laneige Lipgloss

Thanks For visiting beibyyyy *kiss

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Christmas 2012

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Christmas is coming!!! yeaii
It's a Christmas joy to all the people...
Christmas this year was my second Christmas with my husband and the first Christmas with my little princess ... really happy!!!

Christmas event each year in our family is very simple, we went to church, eat together. very fun. Sometimes I am sad because these last two years I'm not with my family ...mama papa...My sister...everything... I really missed you guys :'(
But, wherever we are the love of God is always with us ...loveeee u: *

But I am sure that I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round... as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely.

Merry Christmas all.......
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SparkleApple Circle Lens Giveaway

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Hi! Beauty Lovers...
Today I want to post about a giveaway from SparkleApple.
Giveaway is open internationally. There are 3 winner for this giveaway will receive a pair circle lens from LoveShoppingholic.

Timeline giveaway from 18-12-2012 to 19-01-2013. The rules very easy Click Here.

Good Luck!!

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NOTD : Go Green With Look Ever Nail Polish

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

I love nail polish! I really love nail polish .. But I am not a lover of nail polish brand. there is a nice color and cute I would buy. hehe
Some time ago I was hanging out with Hunny. Stop at an accessories shop, in there selling nail polish colors are very funny. prices ranging from Rp 10.000 ($1) for nail polish. I am interested in the brand of nail polish "Look Ever" and I bought 2 colors: green and silver bling-bling. sooooo cute!

I bought a brand "Look Ever" coz the bottle is very similar to Innisfree nail polish. But I think the packaging "Look Ever" stronger than innisfree.
Nail polish price is Rp 25.000 ($3) only

I chose green for this post. I really like the green .. hahhaa GO GREEN! : p

The color is really beautiful.

What I Love :
  • Pretty colors
  • Make my fingers look bright
  • Just one application has been flat and nate
  • Cheap

What I Hate :
  • Easy to peel :(
  • Not long lasting (last about 3 days only)

Repurchase : Yes!!!! Many colors are very pretty, I would try to pick another color :D

Thanks you :)


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Make Up : End Of Year Party

Yeaiii!!! Christmas and New Year is coming ^^
Really didn't expect a year of rapid change .. already December and the year 2012 will come to an end.. But it must keep the spirit! And. there is still time to catch a wishlist yet accomplished this year.. LOL

The time I just post my FOTD, I had to make a tutorial but what power has done make up and remember That this makeup blog .. hehehe 

Just simple make up, because I was not smart enough for such an experienced MUA: D 
For the evening so I will highlight the eyes use a brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, and do not forget to use falshies dramatic.
Simple enough for a New Year's Eve event.

I wear a scarf like a bandana for hair. Very simple!!! OmayyyyGod! My hair looks beautiful! LOL

I'm using : 

- The Skinfood Aloe Vera BB Cream
- Marcks Loose Powder
- Viva Blush on
- RiveraShimmering Powder
- My Darling Liquid Eyeliner
- Just Miss Eyeshadow Pallete in brown, grey and black
- Naomi Falshies
- Etude House Color my brow
- Nude lipstick from Latulip

Pssssttt....Special make up for IBB December Challenge theme is "End Of Year Party". You can also join in the IBB challenge.

Thank you..xoxo
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Solusimu : Disposable Paper Toilet Seat Cover

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Hi! beauty lovers...
Beberapa waktu lalu saya pergi ke mall, hari itu hujan jadi bawaannya pengen buang air kecil terus. Pengennya ditahan biar nanti dirumah aja buang air kecilnya, tapi Hunny repot sendiri nyari toilet umum untuk saya. Karena dia bilang kalau kita menahan buang air kecil itu enggak bagus buat kesehatan ginjal. Setelah muter-muter nyari toilet umum, ketemu dech langsung masuk aja ke toilet yang kosong. Meskipun ruangannya bersih tapi di dudukan toiletnya itu bewarna coklat-coklat kotor gitu. Jijik? pasti donk tapi gimana lagi uda enggak bisa nahan buang air sih..huhuw
Untung aja saya kalau keluar rumah selalu bawa tissue, jadi sebelum buang air tissuenya di taruh di atas dudukan toiletnya..hahaha
Ribet, tapi kenapa tidak? Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati!  haha

Saya pernah baca sebuah artikel yang isinya tentang "Bahaya Toilet Duduk", dan riset membuktikan bahwa keputihan, hepatitis A dan berbagai unitary tract disease (penyakit kelamin) sering kali ditularkan melalui dudukan toilet umum. 

kalian bisa lihat kan kalau bakteri di dudukan toilet umum sangat mengerikan :(
Jangan sampai kalian ceroboh dengan hal sekecil itu yang bisa fatal akibatnya ! :)

Tapi sekarang enggak perlu khawatir dan seribet itu, karena ada Solusimu Disposable Paper Toilet Seat Cover. Solusimu adalah tissue khusus yang dibuat untuk toilet. Sehingga kita ga perlu repot dan takut untuk buang air di toilet umum. Solusimu ini sangat praktis dan travel kindly banget buat di masukin di tas, di kantongin juga bisa kok..hehehe

Manfaat Solusimu :
1. Hygiene - Menjaga dari kontak langsung dengan kuman yang ada di dudukan toilet umum
2. Convenience - Mudah dan cepat dalam penggunaan, hanya dengan 3 langkah. Letakan tisunya, anda duduk, lalu tekan "flush" pada toilet.
3. Anti-Clog - 100% dapat larut di air. Tissue yang kita buang ke toilet akan hancur 4 kali lebih cepat daripada tissue toilet biasa. Jadi tak perlu khawatir tisu Solusimu membuat toilet mampet.
4. Cost Saving - Menghemat penggunaan tissue toilet biasa yang digunakan sebagai pelapis dudukan toilet.
5. Biodegradable - Terbuat 100% dari bubur kayu yang dapat dengan mudah diproses secara biologis. Itu sebabnya tissue ini dapat dibuang ke toilet.

Solusimu ini ada beberapa packing/bentuk yaitu :
  • Travel Pack => Sangat cocok dibawa saat keluar rumah atau bepergian, tinggal dimasukkan ke dalam tas. Satu pack berisi 10 lembar. Harganya juga sangat terjangkau hanya Rp 5.000,- untuk 1 pack. Sangat praktis dan wajib dimiliki ^^

    • Commercial Pack => Untuk bentuk yang ini seperti dispenser/alat yang biasa buat menaruh tissue di toilet umum. Commercial pack ini belum banyak yang kita temui di toilet umum mall, hotel, restorant dll. Saya berharap para pengusaha mall, hotel dsb. tergerak hatinya untuk memasang Solusi ini di toilet umumnya. hahhaha XD Untuk commercial pack 1 pack isinya 250 lembar.

    Detail produk

    Cara pakainya sangat mudah;
    1. Ambil satu lembar, dan lepaskan sambungan seperti gambar dibawah ini.
    2. Letakkan pada dudukan toilet
    3. Tekan tombol flush pada toilet
    tissue akan langsung larut dengan air, jadi kita enggak perlu khawatir kalau menyumbat di toilet.

    Lihat perbandingan di bawah ini, Solusimu sangat praktis dan hemat.

    Sekarang kalian akan selalu aman untuk buang air di toilet umum tanpa ada rasa khawatir tertular penyakit. Jujur, saya sangat terbantu dengan adanya produk ini. Produk seperti ini masih jarang untuk di Indonesia dan ini adalah satu-satunya.WOW!!! I hope the people there will know about this product would be the danger of disease spread in the toilet.

    Untuk sementara Solusimu bisa didapat lewat online untuk yang tinggal di luar Jakarta.

    Thanks for Reading..
    I hope this article can help you who care about health..


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    Etude House : Bling Bling Eye Stick

    Senin, 03 Desember 2012

    Hi beauty lovers :)
    How are you today? I hope you enjoy your day with fun: D
    Today I will be reviewing products from Etude House is Bling Bling Eye Stick. This is the kind of stick-shaped eyeshadow. so,  we apply to the eye and smooth with fingers or a brush, it's easy right?

    Bling bling eye stick there are 6 colors:
    1. Shooting Star
    2. Butterfly Star
    3. Pink Supernova
    4. Purple Aurora
    5. Silver Milky Way
    6. Great Bear Star

    I bought the # 1 shooting star. Because the color is very pretty ^ ^. Packing of Bling Bling Eye Stick is very funny as a ballpoint pen. The lid can be opened and to use it to be turned on its body. But, although it is very easy to use I do not like because it was too big and could not produce such a fine line that we want to end in the eye. Packingnya color blue and there is writing on the white-colored product with a decorative star .. 

    This product has a creamy texture. And waterproof, because I am very hard to remove. LOL

     sorry for the bad picture quality


    What I like:
    • Long lasting 
    • Shimmery, not glittery 
    • Cheap 
    • Cute Color
    • Can be used for waterline  

    What I don't Like :
    • Difficult to remove it

    Repurches? Yes,  I'll try the other colors :)

    Thanks For Reading..

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    FOTD : Barbie Inspired Make Up

    Jumat, 30 November 2012

    ohhh my God!!!!!
    I was too shock for this post!!!!!!! today I will post about FOTD Barbie Inspired. My make-up has been from day last week but only to make its news now .. hehhe
    So sorry for the bad quality photo, * I'm saving to buy a new camera * lol
    Barbie make up is very simple, we only dare to apply pink eyeshadow and lipstick colors are like pink too. There are so many colors in use for barbie makeup tutorial, we can use the blue wanrna and blending well with pink. But sorry, here I just use white and pink ..

    Barbie face very flawess, so you can use concealer after application bb cream or foundation. In this tutorial I am just simply using the Skinfood Aloe Vera BB Cream, after which I set with loose powder.

    1. Wear white eyeshadow on the eyelid, from end to end full yaaa (so sorry I forgot to eye primer, but it is not mandatory) 
    2. Use pink eyeshadow to the entire eyelid .. repeat until  it came out the colorpigmented (if eyeshadownya already pigmented may not need to repeat) 
    3. Blend, blend and blend :))
    4.  use eyeliner only on the eye line because Barbie is a western man who has a great eye..hahhaa
    5. Falshies
    6.  last use pink lipstick and blush on



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    Etude House : Color My Brows

    Senin, 26 November 2012

    Hi all ..
    In addition to
    a great eye makeup, eyebrows should also be considered. Maybe for those who have bangs eyebrow should be ok if messy, but such winds hit what? hahaha lol

    This time I want to review eyebrow dye that looks like mascara. Colour my brow from etude house. And this is the first time I bought the special makeup eyebrow, before I never wear a pencil and a good eyebrow shaping. I really like the Korean people's eyebrows. Lurusss.hehe


    Color My Brows come in two shades Light Brown and Rich Brown. I decided to buy a light brown shade, because in my mind it would be similar to that used hair dye in the color black eyebrows that, would not go out if I buy a rich brown. But, light brown color really bright in my eyebrows, and it seem odd >,<.
    The color is very bright and not match with my black hair. What might be because I wear too thick? I do not know: '( because I have a thick line and off color. (alisku tipis T.T).


    Brush application is very similar to the mascara, the way life was very easy to stay we apply to our eyebrows.The packaging has been explained how life. Very easy to use. The texture of the liquid is very thick like mascara. Color My Brows is very durable, since some time ago is still loyal to the rain and stuck, To clean it we had to use makeup remover better.

    This shade is too light, so light .. wkwk *kesalahan besar memilih shade!!! BUT, will not plasticity light if we wear thin..

    What I love :
    • Cheap
    • Long lasting and not easily fade
    • Available two shade #light brown & #rich brown
    • Easy to use 
    • Very instant and fast to use
    • Coloring your eyebrows nicely and neatly

    What I don't like :
    • Easy to dry for a case of this type of mascara

    psssstt.... bonus picture...... *sleep

    enjoy gals...
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